One of the top rated plants for purifying your air!
Chamaedorea seifrizii
kam-ee-DOR-ee-uh see-FRIZ-ee-eye
Common Names: Bamboo Palm, Reed Palm
Family: Arecaceae
Origin: Mexico to Honduras
Growth: Upwards, clumping
Light: Medium
Foot Candles: 150 - 200
Water: Keep evenly moist
Humidity: 50% - 90%
Temperature: 20°C - 32°C
Soil: Well draining potting mix
Container: Self-watering planter
Nutrients: 10-10-10 Monthly
Propagation: Seed or splitting
Interiorscape Use: Floor planter, air purifier
Common Pests: Mealybugs, Aphids, Spider Mites, Scale, Thrips.
Common Issues: Brown fronds in drafts or direct sunlight
Comments: It is one of the top air purifying plants available. Slow growing, but pulls benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide out of the air. Not part a true bamboo, it is more closely related to palm trees. Similar in appearance to Areca and Parlour palms.
Toxicity: Safe.