Juncus effusus ‘Spiralis’
JUN-kus eff-YOO-sus spir-AH-liss
Common Names: Corkscrew Rush
Family: Juncaceae
Origin: Japan
Growth: Clumping
Light: Full sun
Foot Candles: 250+
Water: Keep wet
Humidity: Not required
Temperature: -10°C to +30°C
Soil: Regular potting mix, pond potting mix
Container: Pot with no drainage
Nutrients: 10-10-10 Monthly
Propagation: Division, seed
Interiorscape Use: Desktop, water feature
Common Pests: Mealybugs, Aphids, Spider Mites, Scale, Thrips.
Common Issues: The more light the plant receives, the more it will spiral.
Comments: A common houseplant that can also be grown as an outdoor perennial. Plant it in a wetland area, preferably next to a pond and watch it thrive. As a houseplant, make sure to keep it sitting in water. It can survive short periods of drought.
Toxicity: The young shoots can have some poison to a minor degree.