This beautiful dragon tree will add a pop of colour wherever it is. An added bonus is just how easy it is to care for!
Dracaena marginata
drah-SEE-na mar-gin-ah-tah
Common Names: Madagascar Dragon Tree, Fireworks Plant, Dracaena Cane
Family: Dracaenaceae
Origin: Africa, Madagascar
Growth: Upwards, old leaves naturally fall off
Light: Medium
Foot Candles: 100 - 200
Water: Let dry partially
Humidity: Not required
Temperature: 18°C - 26°C
Soil: Regular potting mix
Container: Self-watering planter, living wall
Nutrients: 10-10-10 Monthly
Propagation: Stem cuttings
Interiorscape Use: Extremely versatile and tolerates many conditions
Common Pests: Mealybugs, Aphids, Spider Mites, Scale, Thrips.
Common Issues: Root rot when sitting in water. Cold drafts cause brown tips, lower leaves naturally fall, full-sun can scorch leaves, too little light can cause stretching. Susceptible to fluoride in the water.
Comments: Grows tall with fireworks-esque tips. Branches can be trained. Comes in several styles and colours.
Toxicity: May cause drooling, vomiting, weakness, incoordination and dilated pupils when ingested. Pets are more susceptible than humans.