One of the best plants for flowering indoors, the Hoya carnossa Tricolour also makes a room pop with its signature green, white, and pink leaves.
Hoya carnosa
HOY-ah kar-NO-suh
Common Names: Wax Plant, Porcelain Flower
Family: Asclepiadaceae
Origin: Eastern Asia, Australia
Growth: Trailing / climbing vine
Light: Bright, filtered
Foot Candles: 150 - 250
Water: When dry
Humidity: 30% - 70%
Temperature: 16°C - 28°C
Soil: Well draining potting mix
Container: Hanging basket, living wall
Nutrients: 10-15-10 when preparing to bloom
Propagation: Seed or stem cuttings
Interiorscape Use: Indoor flowering plant, living wall
Common Pests: Mealybugs, Aphids, Spider Mites, Scale, Thrips.
Common Issues: Root rot when overwatered. Leaves can get scorched in direct sun. Chemicals will burn leaves if in direct contact. Flowers can drip nectar onto surfaces.
Comments: A popular plant with collectors and enthusiasts alike. Plants can be trained upwards on moss totems or pinned on walls. Flowers can be very fragrant. Many other species available to collect and some are grown for their foliage instead of the flower. Hoya carnosa is the most popular species.
Toxicity: Safe.